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What To Know About Truck Accident Liability

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Truck Accident Attorney

Personal injury as a practice area involves a wide, diverse range of accident scenarios. From car accidents to wrongful death, personal injury lawyers are trained at handling a variety of cases. From minor injuries to more debilitating ones, a lawyer is capable of building a case and finding evidence to help accident victims receive the compensation that they deserve. If you have questions about liability, a lawyer can provide you with further assistance regarding the following topics.

How Liability Is Determined

Liability laws can be quite difficult to make sense of. There are many factors that determine liability. In truck accident cases concerning negligence, the person or party that is liable is the one that owed a duty of care. When a duty of care has been breached, such as by a truck driver, for example, the driver can be held liable. Strict liability laws dictate that negligence is not a relevant factor. The concept of strict liability may also be evaluated, which refers to a law that states any manufacturers or companies that are part of the truck’s supply chain can be held liable if an accident were to occur.

Determining Who Is Liable

Figuring out exactly who is liable can be a difficult process when you are dealing with a truck accident case. As a truck accident attorney can tell you, since there can be so many parties involved in the supply chain, a case can include many different parties. Have a lawyer look at your case and find out who exactly can be held liable for your specific case.

When You Are Partially Liable

Many victims who have suffered injuries in a truck accident may be concerned if they are partially responsible. They may have contributed to the accident in some way, such as if they have been speeding over the posted limit. If you are worried about your role in the truck accident, the liability laws of each state can determine if you can recover any amount of damages.

Proving Liability

While state liability laws vary, if you are able to show evidence that a defendant was negligent, they can be held liable. There are several elements of negligence that must be proven: a duty of care, breach of that duty, evidence showing that the victim suffered injuries and that the defendant’s negligent actions caused the victim’s injuries. A skilled and experienced truck accident lawyer from Glotzer & Leib, LLP can review your case and determine what evidence to present and support your case.

Qualified truck accident lawyers are competent at helping victims achieve the case results that they deserve. They understand the entire claims process and are ready to give you the help that you are seeking. They know what the typical personal injury victim deals with, and they will not stop until you get the help that you need. If you are in need of legal counsel following a recent truck accident, do not wait to file a claim and contact an accident lawyer as soon as possible.
